Motion Moved

THAT a report be prepared to review the existing policy on issuing fines for overdue books on days when the library is closed.  The report to include the feasibility of the introduction of return chutes at all Council branch libraries to allow books to be returned outside of business hours.

THAT the report presented to Council on the review of the Child Care Centres – DCP No. 25, include consideration of the following matters:

  1. The number of child care centres within an area, and
  2. Premises used for residential purposes in conjunction with child care centres.

THAT representation be made to the local members seeking their support in having Energy Australia:

  1. accelerate the roll out of modern, more efficient street lights to replace existing obsolete hardware within the City area.
  2. improve their response times in repairing faulty street lights especially in the Punchbowl/Riverwood area of the City.

Motion move by Clr Khodr Saleh chairperson of the Canterbury city council Multicultural Advisory Committee, at the committee meeting on 6th of February 2008 in response to the Australian Government to Apologise to Members of the Stolen Generations

THAT the Committee supports the Federal Government’s apology to members of the Stolen Generation.

Australian Government to Apologise to Members of the Stolen Generations

The Federal Government’s Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, announced in late January that a formal apology to members of the Stolen Generations would be made as the first item of business for the new Parliament on Wednesday, 13 February, 2008.

The proposed apology will follow a national Welcome to Country as part of the opening ceremony proceedings the day before.

The apology has been proposed to be made on behalf of the Australian Government and does not attribute guilt to the current generation of Australian people.

The proposed apology has been described by the Federal Minister as the beginning of a new relationship, a bridge to build respect and a powerful healing symbol.

Motion move by Clr Khodr Saleh  chairperson of the Canterbury city council Multicultural Advisory Committee,  at the committee meeting on 6th  of February 2008  in response to the Australian Government to Apologise to Members of the Stolen Generations

THAT the Committee supports the Federal Government’s apology to members of the Stolen Generation.


The Federal Government’s Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Jenny Macklin, announced in late January that a formal apology to members of the Stolen Generations would be made as the first item of business for the new Parliament on Wednesday, 13 February, 2008.

The proposed apology will follow a national Welcome to Country as part of the opening ceremony proceedings the day before.

The apology has been proposed to be made on behalf of the Australian Government and does not attribute guilt to the current generation of Australian people.

The proposed apology has been described by the Federal Minister as the beginning of a new relationship, a bridge to build respect and a powerful healing symbol.

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee detailing the ways Council can assist in supporting and promoting our local Halal food industry.

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee on the progress of the Women Only swimming program at Roselands Aquatic Centre.

THAT a report be provided outlining options available under our Financial Assistance Program to allow genuine local community and sporting groups to apply for funding to cover recurrent hiring costs when utilising our community facilities.

THAT a report be provided regarding the use of tennis courts in Parry Park, Lakemba including the option of converting them into a futsal court in conjunction with local sport groups.

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee detailing the ways Council can assist in supporting and promoting our local Halal food industry.

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee on the progress of the Women Only swimming program at Roselands Aquatic Centre.

THAT a report be provided outlining options available under our Financial Assistance Program to allow genuine local community and sporting groups to apply for funding to cover recurrent hiring costs when utilising our community facilities.