August 9, 2024

THAT a report be prepared to review the existing policy on issuing fines for overdue books on days when the...

THAT the report presented to Council on the review of the Child Care Centres – DCP No. 25, include consideration...

THAT representation be made to the local members seeking their support in having Energy Australia:


Motion move by Clr Khodr Saleh chairperson of the Canterbury city council Multicultural Advisory Committee, at the committee meeting on...

Motion move by Clr Khodr Saleh  chairperson of the Canterbury city council Multicultural Advisory Committee,  at the committee meeting on...

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee detailing the ways Council can assist in supporting...

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee on the progress of the Women Only swimming...

THAT a report be provided outlining options available under our Financial Assistance Program to allow genuine local community and sporting...

THAT a report be provided regarding the use of tennis courts in Parry Park, Lakemba including the option of converting...

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee detailing the ways Council can assist in supporting...

THAT a report be presented to the first possible City Services Committee on the progress of the Women Only swimming...

THAT a report be provided outlining options available under our Financial Assistance Program to allow genuine local community and sporting...